Civil Marriage & Civil Union
Marriage Contract
Civil Marriage Montreal, Quebec
Because your civil wedding photos will capture the precious moments of this solemn event, we offer you a setting as unforgettable as your union:
The “Imperial” ceremonial room
Mtre Lincà notary and his team, to the success of your project! Attentive service, the support you need. Thousands of customers are happy with our services!
Here are testimonials from our satisfied clients, with whom we have had the honor to work in the past, who come back to see us, and who recommend us to their loved ones and their friends!
With these photos, we present some of our happy married couples who made the excellent choice to have their civil marriage celebrated by the Lincà study
Civil Marriage Montreal
Do you plan your civil marriage soon in Montreal, Quebec? Who can legally marry a couple in Quebec? Do you need a notary, civil wedding officiant or for a marriage contract? Who can be an officiant in Quebec? Accredited by the Director of Civil Status of Quebec and Ministry of Justice Quebec, notary and wedding officiant with great experience in the field, Mtre Leopold Lincà can celebrate your marriage within 21 days of the first meeting. Do you want legal advice on matrimonial regimes? Contact us!
Why choose Mtre Leopold Lincà notary, civil wedding officiant to celebrate your civil marriage in Montreal?
Who can legally officiate a wedding in Quebec, Canada? Mtre Leopold Lincà notary for civil marriage in Québec, wedding officiant in Montreal has the necessary expertise to celebrate your marriage. He will also take care of all the procedures and formalities necessary to get married, from the publication of the notice of marriage to the Registrar of Civil Status in Quebec, correctly filling out the declaration of marriage and sending the proper documents for the registration of your marriage in the Register of marital status of Quebec. What are the conditions and the steps for get married in Quebec? What documents do you need to get married in Quebec? Our service as a marriage officiant will help you to better understand what is available to you.
On-site, two elegant wedding halls/rooms for the ceremony
Our flexibility gives you the opportunity to choose the date of your marriage
Our deadlines for getting married are faster than those of the Courthouse
Legal advice and necessary explanations on the consequences of marriage, matrimonial regimes and family patrimony, all documents needed to get married in Québec (Notary marriage affidavit, affidavit of marital status, etc.)
Obtaining a marriage certificate or the copy of an act of marriage from the Registrar of Civil Status Quebec
Do as hundreds of other satisfied couples who have taken advantage of our civil wedding services at competitive prices! Me Leopold Lincà, highly experienced notary in Montreal, celebrates hundreds of civil marriages per year. Your marriage is guaranteed in 21 days.
THE GUIDE TO CIVIL MARRIAGE IN QUEBEC – Your civil wedding in Quebec from A to Z
In Quebec the civil marriage or the civil union in Montreal is a formal event. It must be celebrated before a competent celebrant in the presence of at least two witnesses.
What are the procedure and formalities to get married in Quebec?
For the celebration of a marriage – civil wedding in Montreal, Quebec, the ceremony can be adapted to the tastes of the newlyweds, but the fact remains that the spouses and the celebrant must submit to certain formalities before the marriage celebration and during the ceremony.
The rules for celebrating a wedding / civil union in Quebec:
1.Rules respecting the solemnization of marriages and civil unions – see the Civil Code of Quebec.
2.Marriages and civil unions solemnized by a clerk or deputy clerk of the Superior Court or in a courthouse must be solemnized between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. They may not be solemnized on
4. If one of the intended spouses is physically unable to move about, and that inability is attested to in a medical certificate, the ceremony may take place, with the permission of the officiant, at the place where that intended spouse is, provided that a request to that effect is submitted to the officiant before the posting of the notice of publication of the marriage or civil union or at the time of the application for a dispensation from publication of the notice.
5. If one of the intended spouses is confined in a correctional facility or penitentiary, the ceremony may take place at the correctional facility or penitentiary, provided that a request to that effect is submitted to the clerk or deputy clerk of the Superior Court before the posting of the notice of publication of the marriage or civil union or at the time of the application for a dispensation from publication of the notice.
6.If the ceremony takes place in a courthouse, the Quebec flag must be displayed in the room in which the ceremony takes place.
7. During the ceremony, the officiant shall address the intended spouses using the text in Schedule III or Schedule IV, as the case may be. If the officiant solemnizes more than one marriage or civil union at the same time, the appropriate text shall be read only once.
8. The officiant shall then receive from the intended spouses a statement of their consent in the manner provided for in Schedule V or Schedule VI, as the case may be.
9.The officiant must keep, in an appropriate place, a copy of the judgment authorizing a minor’s marriage, of the notice of publication of the marriage or civil union, or of the dispensation from publication, where applicable, of the declaration of marriage or civil union, and a copy of the certificate of marriage or civil union, and of any other document that was used to certify the accuracy of the information provided by the spouses.
10. These Rules replace the Rules respecting the solemnization of civil marriages (M.O. 1440, 94-07-06).
How can I get married fast in Montreal, Quebec and how long does it take to get married in Quebec? Call us for more informations!
Who can celebrate civil marriages, wedding or civil unions in Quebec?
- Notaries who can receive notarial deeds;
- The clerks of the Superior Court may celebrate a marriage or a civil union in a courthouse or in other places according to the law:Mayors and members of municipal or district councils;
- Municipal officials designated by the Minister of Justice;
- A relative, friend or family member of the future spouses who is authorized by the Minister of Justice to perform a civil marriage or civil union.
The many advantages of choosing a notary for your wedding / civil marriage celebration
Who can marry you in Quebec, Montréal? Who can solemnize a marriage in Quebec? How can I get married fast and easy? Who can be an officiant in Quebec? There are a lot of questions to be answered…
As a wedding officiant of marriage in Quebec and civil union, only the notary is authorized to give you explanations and legal advice for the different matrimonial regimes (the partnership of acquets, the separation as to property, the community of property, etc.) and their implications.
The notary in Québec gives you the opportunity to celebrate your marriage on any date you wish, while at any courthouse, this celebration cannot take place on certain days of the year (such as Sundays, certain holidays, religious or holidays).
The same goes for the timetable: at the Montreal Courthouse, the Laval Courthouse or the Longueuil Courthouse, the celebration can take place between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., while at a notary’s, it can take place at any time of the day.
The notary also allows you to celebrate your wedding at the place of your choice (in a restaurant, at your home, in a reception hall, etc.), a place that respects the solemn and public nature of the ceremony.
The notary also allows you to customize your wedding ceremony according to your preferences and beliefs.
Notaries are a viable solution in terms of waiting time and choosing a date for your wedding. Mtre Lincà notary marriage officiant in Montreal, Quebec can marry you in 20 days after the first meeting and / or after the publication of your notice of marriage to the Director of Civil Status of Quebec, without further delay, while waiting times at the Montréal Courthouse, Laval Courthouse, Longueuil Courthouse, or elsewhere are significantly longer. His promptitude to offer you a professional service and a ceremony that adapts to all your needs are the most important. We guarantee you the shortest time possible legally.
Mtre Lincà, notary can make available to you, if you wish, two beautiful wedding ceremony rooms and a courtyard, well decorated, fitted out to celebrate weddings, in order to avoid having to worry about a place of the great day.
Mtre Lincà celebrated many same-sex marriages (homosexual, lesbian, gay, LGBTQ+). Following modifications to the Civil Code of Quebec, homosexual couples can now also choose between a civil marriage or a civil union. The solemnization of a marriage or civil union between persons of the same sex can take place before the notary who will put in place all the necessary procedures in order for the marriage to be legal.
Mtre Lincà notary in Montreal offers a multitude of others connected services: solemnization of marriage or civil union, marriage contracts or civil union contracts, modification of civil status, obtaining a certificate or a copy of a marriage certificate or civil union, birth, death, common life agreement for de facto spouses, contract for the dissolution of a civil union, partition of family patrimony / renunciation of the partition of the family patrimony, etc
The price and cost for a wedding officiant and a civil marriage in Quebec
What is the price and cost for a wedding officiant in Montreal, Quebec, and a civil marriage celebration ? In general, the basic price for a marriage ceremony start from $300.00. Fees vary depending on your situation and the complexity of your file. The fees of Maitre Lincà, notary for this service start from $500.00 to $1,000.00. Also, our fees to draft a marriage contract start from $500.00.
The price of a Montreal in Quebec civil marriage varies from one wedding officiant to another. How much is a wedding officiant in Quebec? Mtre Leopold Lincà, notary for marriage in Montreal and wedding officiant, offers you his services as a marriage officiant. The prices and overall cost of our services as well as our custom fees for your situation are competitive; we can offer you adapted rates and packages according to your needs.
How much does an wedding officiant (marriage officiant) cost in Quebec? You can contact the Montreal Courthouse, Laval Courthouse, Longueuil Courthouse to know the price there. At the Courthouse, the civil marriage will be celebrated by a clerk. The disadvantages: the courthouse clerk is not a legal advisor. It is therefore not entitled to give you appropriate legal advice on your situation.
De facto spouses in Quebec
If you live as de facto spouses, the common life contract, also called cohabitation agreement, will allow you to define the rights you wish to grant yourself and the obligations you want to assume, to do all kinds of agreements, to plan the conditions appropriate to your situation in case of separation, as long as they respect the law. Maître Leopold Lincà, notary, will give you personalized legal advice and will also let you know the legal consequences of your common life contract.
Communicate directly with Mtre Leopold Lincà, your notary. He will help you prepare your wedding ceremony, draw up your marriage contract. We will accompany you so that you have an unforgettable ceremony for your dream wedding. Our mission is to offer you professional, personalized, quality service, according to your needs, at competitive prices, and to provide you with clear legal advice in simple and understandable terms.
Enjoy your wedding day; we can travel at your service, at an affordable price. Let us offer you the best services and the best value for money for our legal services. Experienced notary, Mtre Lincà will answer all your questions, for all kinds of situations, and he can be at your service anywhere on the North Shore, South Shore or any other place in the province of Quebec
Do not hesitate to contact us at 438-383-3116 if necessary or write to us at [email protected]
For unforgettable moments, take photos of the biggest day of your life – professional photos. – Larisa Wedding Photographer

Marriage Contract
The marriage contract can be made by the spouses before or after the celebration of their marriage.
The marriage contract allows the spouses or future spouses to choose their matrimonial regime. Notary marriage in Quebec. Can a notary marry you in Quebec? YES, a notary can solemnize the civil marriage in Quebec. A marriage celebrated by a notary also has a lot of advantages: legal consultation, advices and explanations about the various matrimonial regimes. The marriage contract must be notarized, signed by the spouses in the presence of a notary. Do not hesitate to consult Mtre Leopold Lincà notary for more information.
Marriage automatically subjects the spouses to rules to define their economic relationships, for the duration of their marriage. The matrimonial regime can be chosen by the spouses. It contains the rules for the administration of their property and their debts that they will accumulate during their marriage and how they are to be shared in the event of a divorce or the death of one of them.
Couples in a civil union also have a matrimonial regime in the same way as married people. These are the same rules, the same living conditions and the same consequences. However, the term used is “civil union regime” instead of “matrimonial regime” since a civil union is different from marriage.
Since matrimonial regimes are reserved for married or civil union couples, couples living in common-law relationships have no matrimonial regime. Each spouse in principle manages their own property and, in the event of separation, there is no division of property. However, de facto spouses can decide to be subject to a contract, which they can create accordingly with their needs, in a contract of common life, which can be drawn up by their notary.
The matrimonial regime is different from the family patrimony, even if they both apply following the marriage of the spouses.
The main plans that exist in Quebec are:
- The partnership of acquets
- The community of property
- Separation as to property
Matrimonial Regimes
Choosing your matrimonial regime – the marriage contract and the civil union contract
By default, spouses (or civil union spouses) who choose not to have a marriage contract or civil union contract drawn up between them by a notary, are automatically subject to the legal matrimonial regime, the partnership of acquets.
The future spouses or the spouses can choose their matrimonial regime or create one to measure, plan financial arrangements between them, even foresee testamentary dispositions (the marriage contract or civil union contract is the only document with common testamentary dispositions), provided that the terms of their regimes respect the law. To do this, the matrimonial regime of separation as to property must be written in a notarial marriage contract. The notary can then ensure that everything is in accordance with the law and advise them according to their needs.
Foreign matrimonial regimes
The spouses who were both domiciled outside Quebec at the time of their marriage may have a different matrimonial regime.
Likewise, the matrimonial regime may be different if one of the spouses was domiciled outside Quebec at the time of the marriage and the spouses had their first common residence outside Quebec
Modify the matrimonial regime
The spouses can choose to modify their regime by mutual agreement, before or during the marriage. This modification is also made by notarial marriage contract.
For example, two people married under the partnership of acquests may sign a marriage contract during the marriage to adopt that of the separation as to property. This change results in a division of acquests for property acquired between marriage and the modification of the matrimonial regime.
The property of the matrimonial regime
The property of the spouses who are part of the matrimonial regime is all that which is not part of the family patrimony. And “property” also includes the debts of the spouses contracted during the marriage.
Some examples of assets that spouses may have during marriage and that are part of their matrimonial regime:
- Money accumulated during marriage and their wages
- The income properties they own and the rents
- Investments (except RRSP’s and pension plans that are part of the family patrimony)
- Property they own that is not used by the family
- Credit card debt and personal loans
- etc.
Matrimonial regime – spouses
- During marriage / civil union
The different matrimonial regimes lay down separate rules on the rights and powers of each person over their respective property. For example, it can be the administration of the couple’s and family’s property, the use that can be made of it or even the responsibility for debts accumulated during the marriage. The matrimonial regime is useful in determining whether a spouse can, for example, sell, rent, mortgage or give property without the consent of the other.
- At the end of life together
The matrimonial regime ends by divorce (married couples) or the dissolution of the civil union (civil union couples); separation from bed and board; or in case of the death of one of the spouses.
At the end of the marriage, each spouse can accept or not the partition of the property, according to his will.
All the assets accumulated by the spouses who are not part of the family patrimony can be shared according to the rules of the matrimonial regime at the end of the marriage.
Even if you are effectively separated, you remain married or civil united within the meaning of the law in the following cases: If you are married, until you have obtained a divorce or legal separation order. If you are in a civil union, until you have obtained a judgment or a notarial declaration in dissolution of the civil union.